Golden Lakeside Hot Spring Chaowan Life Hall

Golden Lakeside Hot Spring Chaowan Life Hall

Bath & Massage Center · Jiulongpo, Chongqing

Ratings & Reviews

对金色印象的好印象那湖畔必须也要来试试 作为休闲洗浴来说 这个价格绝对是不便宜 因为里面除了洗澡汗蒸和休息外 剩下的都需要自己再另外花钱 电影音乐按摩游戏用餐 如果所有项目都想体验一下那还真说不好要花多少 最开始被草莓车厘子不限量吸引来 到了其实会发现也吃不了多少 因为所有免费食品饮料都集中于一个字“甜” 比较吸引人的是细节做的都非常好 尤其是浴室的设计和护理用品都品质在线 如果性价比都再高点就好了
3 months ago
最近迷上洗浴,金色湖畔今年新开的,属于金色印象和金色春天后的又一强势制作。24小时开放,地下1层是分开的男汤和女汤,可以泡澡、桑拿和搓澡。 更换浴衣后才能上楼。2楼是娱乐区,有收费项目(赛车模拟器、影音室)和免费的设施,如公共电影放映厅、PS5和电竞游戏。3楼是自助餐和休息区,可以全天点餐,凌晨时段只提供面食。晚上6点到凌晨1点有免费小吃,大家可以自行领取。水果和软饮料全天无限量供应,还可以享受咖啡和哈根达斯冰淇淋。(一定注意吃多少拿多少哦![握手]) 当天除了领取小吃和冰淇淋,还点了餐,价格适中,与外面的中餐馆差不多。酸辣粉口感偏硬,不太喜欢,但泰式罗勒炒肉碎非常美味,可以配饭或用生菜包着吃。让我惊喜的是,竟然有独立的电影放映厅,观影效果很好,不过需要单独付费。消费结束后到前台结账。最近有活动,我充值了一张1500的卡,[耶]活动结束后起充金额为3000。 生啤价格适中,最近有欧洲杯,喝着啤酒看欧洲杯特别爽!![啤酒][啤酒] This bath center is open 24 hours. The -1 floor has separate sections for men and women, offering baths, saunas, and body scrubs. You need to change into a bathrobe before going upstairs. The 2nd floor is the entertainment area, with paid options like a racing simulator and a private screening room, as well as free amenities such as a public movie theater, PS5, and e-sports games. The 3rd floor features a buffet and rest area, with meals available all day, though only noodles are served during the late-night hours. From 6 PM to 1 AM, complimentary snacks are provided, and guests can help themselves. Fruits and soft drinks are unlimited throughout the day, and you can also enjoy free coffee and Häagen-Dazs ice cream. On the day of my visit, besides enjoying the snacks and ice cream, I ordered some dishes. The prices were reasonable, similar to those at local Chinese restaurants. The hot and sour noodles were a bit hard and not to my liking, but the Thai basil minced meat was delicious, great with rice or wrapped in lettuce. I was pleasantly surprised to find a private movie screening room with excellent viewing quality, though it requires an additional fee. After using all services, you settle the bill at the front desk. Currently, there’s a promotion, and I topped up a card with 1500RMB. After the promotion ends, the minimum top-up amount will be 3000RMB. The draft beer is reasonably priced, and with the Euro Cup going on, it’s great to enjoy a beer while watching the matches!
4 months ago
来了N次后真的觉得越来越退步。 如果只是来这边单纯泡澡汗蒸还是可以的,毕竟在硬件这一块他们目前重庆估计还没有对手。 但是服务明显感觉到越来越下滑了 1)榴莲要等,以前都是去了就有,但是这次去了三次拿的时候都是要等待一下再可以拿,说明备货速度有下滑 2)搓澡一直都是不中不过,只能说比较一般,匹配上他们的定价我觉得是不合格的,建议请些东北阿姨过来再培训一下 3)70分钟的足疗简直就是离谱,整个按摩过程极其不舒服。 技师也是不会控制力度,我一直说轻点还可以把我按出淤青来。 退步按到一个穴位把我疼的整个人弹起来尖叫。建议按摩直接就用金色印象那一套打磨好的,别又来开发点新东西折磨客人。 膝盖发热那个东西也是极其不舒服 4)女洗澡的地方很多蚊子苍蝇之类的小飞虫,建议喷药 5)搓澡房间的温度有点偏低 6)想看的大热电影只拍了一场,恐怖片排了3场,我也是get不到谁要看那么多恐怖片 7)小龙虾完成不入味 总结:泡澡汗蒸可以,二次消费请远离,你定位高端那么麻烦你拿出高端的服务。 不然你就干脆别提供来浪费我的时间谢谢
4 months ago

Good to Know

Outdoor Dining
Non-Smoking Rooms
Smoking Allowed
Scenic View

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