Yige Seascape Qinzi Hotel (Huandao Road Xiamen University Baicheng Shop)

Yige Seascape Qinzi Hotel (Huandao Road Xiamen University Baicheng Shop)


A Family Hotel with sea view is located at the seaside of Xiamen Huandao South Road. The hotel has a line of sea-view rooms, you can go out directly to feel the romantic coconut grove sea. The hotel is located in Pearl Bay Beach, Ring Island Road, the bus is very convenient, the entrance of the bus stop-pearl bay. Zengcuoan, Huangcuo, Baicheng Beach, Xiamen University, South Putuo Temple, Zhongshan Road, and the cruise terminal are all accessible by bus, and they are all within half an hours drive. Facing the sea, spring flowers, a family hotel with sea view almost matches your yearning for the sea. The hotel is a white, three-storey single-family, built around the sea. There is also a leisure area at the hotel entrance, where you can enjoy the hotels popular afternoon tea and breakfast, the sea breeze, enjoy the sea view at the same time, spend a pleasant afternoon tea time. The hotel not only has a sea-view room can enjoy a line of sea view, but also parents and children family room, the room equipped with slides and other recreational facilities, is the best choice for parents and children travel, leisure vacation. Room all disposable items complete, equipped with smart appliances, high-definition projection. The room is clean and clean, with 24-hour hot water and other facilities, good service. If youre tired of the citys four oclock sunrise, slow down and go somewhere with an ocean. Let Go of your irritability and embrace yourself. Watching the sunrise in the morning, watching the sunset in the evening, listening to the sound of the ebb and flow at night. In a grid sea view, close to nature, feel life, enjoy all the beautiful


Ratings & Reviews

22 days ago
有滑梯和羊驼🦙玩偶!!我女儿真的很喜欢!!!太可爱了这间酒店~这次订的酒店性价比真的很高!!我真的很爱 而且距离海边超近的 走路不到十分钟就到海边了 蓝天大海绿树 心情真的太好~住在这里也很舒适 房型很给力 滑滑梯小朋友玩的不亦乐乎 而且酒店的早餐也很好吃哦~一看就是用心准备的 小朋友吃的也很开心 很符合她的胃口 这次来到厦门最满意的就是酒店了 酒店前台 还有工作人员服务态度也很好特别贴心 对小孩子都很照顾 很友好 非常有礼貌的 素质很高房间布置温馨 卫生也很赞 真的很满意
26 days ago
酒店地理位置位于珍珠湾公交站旁 交通方便 离海边超级近。酒店很有设计感 房间干净整洁 洗漱用品齐全前台小姐姐热情周到酒店还贴心的准备了电动车被这家酒店的服务人员暖到了,具体如下:看日落的途中距离酒店三公里处电动车爆胎了,本来想咨询下补胎位置,推过去把车修好,完璧归。结果酒店派人送新车过来,把我的坏车直接运走,我跟他说到时候维修多少钱我转你,结果老板直接安慰我说,爆胎属于概率事件,不是我的问题,再说补胎也没多少钱,让我继续去玩。点一万个赞,太暖了。附上些这两天拍的日出日落 分享下属于厦门的浪漫
26 days ago

Good to Know

Free Wi-Fi
Airport Shuttle
Full Bar
Laundry Service
Free Wi-Fi
Airport Shuttle
Full Bar
Laundry Service
Smoking Allowed
Luggage Storage

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