Infinity Workshop Cafe (DangDaaSi GwongCoengDim)

Infinity Workshop Cafe (DangDaaSi GwongCoengDim)

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今晚GIRLS TALK,想搵个坐得舒服的地方,上网见到呢间楼上CAFE环境好正,一于同朋友黎试下,我地7点黎到唔太多人,仲有梳化位坐,每张台之间都好阔落,空间感好足够,好舒服,墙上的北欧风格装饰绝对系打卡位,另外值得一赞的系餐具都好靓呀! 鲜带子虎虾青苹果沙律 原来我地叫左同意粉一样的餸,好在带子同虎虾都好好食,我地唔介意重复再食, 沙律菜好新鲜,配埋黑醋,感觉好清新。 香草烟肉蛋焗啡菇 啡菇好多汁,估唔到加埋烟肉蛋,味道好夹。 黑松露炒鲜带子虎虾意粉 意粉爽脆,不会太腍,黑松露味好浓。 炸龙利柳伴原切炸薯条 龙利柳炸得好松脆,皮够薄,鱼肉好滑。 蝶豆花+茉莉花花茶 蝶豆花同茉莉花味道都不算浓味,加埋一齐饮落好清新,原来呢度D花茶系佢地自己包架,出面冇得卖架。 雪糕心太软 雪糕有朱古力、云呢拿、士多啤梨、石板街和曲奇味可选。 朱古力心太软唔算太甜,切开有朱古力浆流出来。
4 years ago
// IGable Matcha Latte 🍵 // . Nothing’s more appealing than this matcha latte that resembles the squeeze toy alien character LGM from Toy Story!👽 . ▪️Little Green Alien▪️[HK$45] A matcha latte that has an instagrammable presentation; but with an ordinary taste.[鬼脸] Worth ordering if you’re a fan of Toy Story tho.👾 . ▪️Mount Tomato▪️[HK$102] A cheesy spaghetti that consists of minced wagyu, sliced tomatoes, a bit bell pepper and cheese powder.🍅🧀 Quite savory for the taste, but not too worthy for the price here.🙃 . ▪️All Mush▪️[HK$98] Mushroom lovers would love how mushy this is~🍄 Luscious combination that includes chopped white mushrooms, cherry tomato, bell pepper; and a juicy portobello mushroom to top off the dish.💦 . // 10% Service Charge 💞 //
4 years ago
木材同埋雲石同舒適沙發好有家既感覺 同埋暗淡燈光令到成個環境好舒適 - 📌貝兒(💰49) 黃色既飲品 聯想起公主 是咪諗起貝兒呢(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 其實佢係菠蘿蜜桃芒果沙冰 唔會過甜 好清新 仲飲到一絲絲果肉🥰 - 📌炸物拼盆(💰132) 蝦多士🍤炸得超鬆脆仲有原隻蝦 仲有蝦滑 超好食 十級推介👍🏻 - 蝦春卷🍤唔單止有蝦仲有荀 就好似炸脆咗嘅蝦餃咁 like(^з^)-☆ - 洋蔥🧅圈無乜調味 更加突顯洋蔥多汁同埋甜味 - 炸蟹柳有咬口(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 手搖薯條都炸到脆卜卜 - 又令又好坐 野食野飲都幾有水準🥰 -
4 years ago

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