Place du Tertre

Place du Tertre

Public Plaza


The Place du Tertre is a square in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. Only a few streets away from Montmartre's Basilica of the Sacré Cœur and the Lapin Agile, it is the heart of the city's elevated Montmartre quarter. With its many artists setting up their easels each day for the tourists, the Place du Tertre is a reminder of the time when Montmartre was the mecca of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century, many penniless painters including Picasso and Utrillo were living there.

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Ratings & Reviews

Covers all the major points and good to take on a rainy day
Last month
Such a great place.
Last month
Tootbus is convenient, yet it was hard to find the stations, and so in the end we just managed half a tour and later used public transport cause the stations been closed aider to find.
Last month

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Good for Kids

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